New Job? Learn Your Way Around Shift Schedules
Being a full-time university student while also working part-time can be exhausting. It’s vital that you are very conscious of your limitations; there are so many hours that you can put into working, while not over-exerting yourself or damaging your education. Understanding how shift schedules work and how to pick shifts that are most suitable for your needs will make all the difference in balancing your study and work hours. Keep these tips in mind and you will find yourself in a better position, restful and ready to take on both challenges.
1) Organize yourself
Use a calendar to organize and mark out all days and hours that you have courses throughout the month. Take into consideration any additional events, courses, lectures and other interesting meetings that may be happening and which you would like to attend. Also consider exams, assignments and papers you may have to write.
2) Mark-off days and hours that are not available for work
Obviously, hours spent in any classes, coursework and meetings are not available to you for shifts. But take into account that exams need a few days of preparation, as do research papers. Taking shifts right before the exam could harm your ability to study productively.
3) Mark hours and days that are available for work
Now you can easily start spotting the days and hours that are available for work shifts. Do you have any preferred time frames? Take note of those as you can always ask your boss for those shifts.
4) Evaluate transportation time & other factors
When scheduling your shifts, make sure you are giving yourself enough time to get ready and take transportation. Also look into your meals – it’s easy to find yourself running from class to work and forgetting to eat in order to make it to your shift. Stay healthy and give yourself the time you need, especially to sleep and rest.
5) Learn the company’s system
Every company will manage their shifts and employees differently. Some will have complicated and messy spreadsheets and calendars, while others will take advantage of great software like the task and shift scheduler from If that’s your case, make sure that you learn how to use the program, set-up your email and download the mobile app to coordinate your schedule with your boss and coworkers. Always learn the system, since it can be the difference between getting the shifts you were hoping for or getting shifts smack in the middle of an exam!
6) Don’t be afraid to make requests
When preparing the shift schedule, managers will usually ask employees if they have any preferences on the shifts or any unavailability. Make sure that the manager is aware of your schedule and your availability for work. If you need to change a shift, speak to coworkers to trade or to your manager if necessary. Check your contract to ensure that you are doing everything by the books and accordingly.
Category: Featured, Student News