Can the web teach you just about anything?
Whether you’re studying or just naturally curious, chances are that you’ve already heard about or even taken a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) or any other kind of web-based course. MOOCs were first introduced as recently as 2008, and over little less than a decade they have been capable of shaking up the foundations of traditional learning methods.
This US-born concept allows students of any nationality to virtually attend some of the world’s most unusual courses. All that’s needed is a computer with an internet connection, so it goes without saying that online courses are incredibly appealing for all those who want to pursue a career that’s out of the ordinary and can’t afford moving to another city or country in order to take the course. MOOCs are mostly free, although you’ll have to pay in order to take exams.
As a consequence, MOOCs usually have low completion rates, but you can also find a fee-paying course in case you’re after more in-depth programmes and more committed virtual classmates instead.
Just to give you an idea of how many career paths are hiding just a click away, here are five courses you never thought could be taught online.
Cosmetic surgery
Botched jobs no more! You would never expect such a hands-on discipline to be taught online, but it’s all easier than it seems thanks to videos, online support and mentoring. So if you’re a student nurse or practitioner interested in face lifts, tummy tucks, botox training and the likes, you can now easily attend courses to learn these skills on the side. Perfect if you’re not afraid of syringes and you’d go great lengths to keep a patient’s skin smooth and flawless.
Introduction to forensic science
So you’ve watched a little too much Dexter over the last few years and fancy yourself a bit of a criminologist? Not a problem at all! Learn everything you’ve ever dreamed to know about blood splatter and serial killer DNA in this MOOC taught by Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University.
Exploring Alien Worlds 101
Taught by Andrew West at Boston University and presented as follows: “Wanted: Amateur star-gazers and Star Trek fans interested in exploring planets outside this solar system. Must be open to the possibility of life beyond Earth. Knowledge of Klingon not necessary. Sense of humor a plus.”
This course will teach you everything you need to know before jetting off to outer space and colonising your very own planet.
Zombie survival course
For those of us still on Earth, there is the zombie survival course taught online by the University of California and based on AMC’s show Walking Dead. It should provide you with some basic instructions to make it OK in the event of an outbreak. Very philosophical, you will surely be able to apply its wisdom to everyday life.
It’s not all syringes, blood and doom though and we’ve saved you the best course for last! If you’ve always dreamed of studying at Hogwarts, you can now become a wizard thanks to this MOOC developed by Keith Cardin. Enroll on the course and learn the art of potion making, defense against the Dark Arts, herbology and transfiguration. We bet you can’t wait to put your hands on your certificate and get spell-casting!
Category: Sci Tech