RSSCategory: College and Careers

How to Become a Photographer whilst Studying

| April 27, 2016 | 0 Comments
How to Become a Photographer whilst Studying

Making money at university can usually consist of working two jobs with pretty unsocial hours, but what if there was a way to earn your crust without having to ditch your friends for an evening on the wrong side of the bar. As the world has become an increasingly visual place, photography and images have […]

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How To Get Your Foot In The Door: 4 Male Dominated Careers

| March 22, 2016 | 0 Comments
How To Get Your Foot In The Door: 4 Male Dominated Careers

The case for gender equality is overwhelming – and not just in a moral sense. Of course it’s right that we set aside ancient and long-outdated views of the ‘roles’ of the two sexes inside and outside work and that alone might be a compelling enough case for change. But, consider too that there is […]

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6 perfect part time jobs to have while at University

| March 22, 2016 | 0 Comments
6 perfect part time jobs to have while at University

Sometimes you can’t rely on that student loan and perhaps a cheeky bank transfer from your parents alone – you’re going to have to spruce up your CV and get out there to land a job. A part time job is ideal to take on, either for a couple of evenings a week or one […]

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Have you got what it takes to be an entrepreneur?

| March 16, 2016 | 0 Comments
Have you got what it takes to be an entrepreneur?

You may know more Del Boys than Richard Bransons in your life and that’s because being a successful entrepreneur requires hard work, special character and perhaps a sprinkling of luck (or at least being born in the right decade). But there are other special skills that can be identified in an entrepreneur and GlobalMessaging have created […]

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