RSSCategory: Health

Medical students: are you ready to become GPs?

| February 25, 2016 | 0 Comments
Medical students: are you ready to become GPs?

An increasing number of medical students is considering working as an independent GP or GP partner once their NHS work placement is over. But do you have what it takes? You are autonomous but you don’t mind long hours With the current state of the NHS and the ensued pressure on all members of staff, […]

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Nursing graduates: find the right nursing specialty

| December 28, 2015 | 1 Comment
Nursing graduates: find the right nursing specialty

Nurses are in high demand and professionals can benefit from a vast choice of career paths. In a 2009 survey, it was revealed that only 1% of nursing graduates went on to further study, with around 85% going straight into full-time employment. A college degree in nursing however gives you the perfect opportunity for personal growth […]

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3 top-notch ways to look great on your next night out

| December 11, 2015 | 0 Comments
3 top-notch ways to look great on your next night out

The student union is beckoning you with promises of cheap drinks, loud music and the prospect of a buff partner to dance with – but you’re nowhere near ready for a night on the tiles. Like everyone heading for a night out, you want to look your best. After all, who can enjoy a vodka […]

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Beat back the winter blues

| December 8, 2015 | 0 Comments
Beat back the winter blues

The days are shorter, the nights are longer, and you find yourself feeling blue. Well, you’re not alone. Plenty of people start to feel down in the dumps over the winter season, with little sunlight and plenty of colds and flu to keep everyone miserable. With a few tips, you can beat back the winter […]

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