Category: Health
The healthy desk

People (we’re talking the older generations here) might try to tell you that being a student is easy nowadays, what with the immediate and constant access to the internet and its abundance of information. Of course, all of this is fantastic for researching, writing and even submitting coursework. And it’s definitely conducive towards fulfilling our […]
The Importance of Sleep for University Students

When Disney set about making the Monsters University film, they conducted market research to figure out what life was really like at a modern university. Part of that research was an attempt to learn the 50 most important skills students learn. Among those skills is the ability to go days without sleeping by compensating with […]
10 Alternatives to Smoking

Stopping smoking can be such a hard thing to do. Some people can just go cold turkey from day one and with will power alone succeed! However that doesn’t work for all of us. In the below infographic you’ll find out about the different ways, and aids that can be used to help you finally […]