Category: Entertainment
What To Do On Your Break From Studies

Being a student means you’re inevitably limited by your budget. It’s all too tempting to reward your revision sessions by staying in your room and playing some video games, or have a sitcom marathon. However, being based in London means the world is very literally on your doorstep in terms of culture and activities, and […]
Can you really have fun in London on a budget?

London isn’t exactly renowned for being the cheapest place in the world to live and, for students, this can be a concern. After all, how can you enjoy a city that has so many amazing opportunities to offer without spending all of your money in the first few days after getting your latest student loan? Well, […]
Eurovision 2017: All You Need to Know

Eurovision 2017 took place a few days ago in the city of Kiev, in Ukraine. Lucie Jones is the participant from UK that battled against not less than 41 participants of different countries. UK has automatically qualified for the Grand Final without having to go through the semi-finals. They were not the only one to qualify […]