Tag: finance

The Advantages of Trading Forex in Your Spare Time When You’re a Student

| April 21, 2017 | 0 Comments
The Advantages of Trading Forex in Your Spare Time When You’re a Student

The ways you use your downtime when you are a student can really help you get ready for life after uni. As well as of course having a good social life, staying active and perhaps working to help keep debts down, you can benefit from spending some time learning skills that can help you out […]

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Does your Choice of University Affect your Future Chances?

| February 21, 2014 | 0 Comments
Does your Choice of University Affect your Future Chances?

It has been said that your choice of university, and its location, can have a drastic impact on your credit rejection/acceptance rate. This could be due to multiple different reasons such as the fact that many students apply for their first credit card while at university and are unable to keep up financially. Another factor […]

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