Tag: renting

Sponsored Video: Wrong Move: a sorry tale of renting – join the campaign to #evictroguelandlords

| October 10, 2012 | 0 Comments
Sponsored Video: Wrong Move: a sorry tale of renting – join the campaign to #evictroguelandlords

Sponsored post. As part of their #evictroguelandlords campaign, Shelter is shining a spotlight on the serious issue of landlords not fulfilling their duties and responsibilities, sometimes at a huge risk to tenants. Shelter is a housing and homelessness charity. It’s name resonates and you most likely have some knowledge of it already. While homelessness is […]

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Need Student Digs in London? Renting houses Guide

| April 10, 2012 | 0 Comments
Need Student Digs in London? Renting houses Guide

There are many factors to consider when searching for private or rented student accommodation in London. You have the important factors, such as how much to pay and where to live. Then you have to ask yourself with whom you want to share with – a bad mismatch could affect your study, moral and general wellbeing.

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