Tag: student finance

Simple Ways to Save Money on Daily Expenses as a Student

| January 16, 2019 | 0 Comments
Simple Ways to Save Money on Daily Expenses as a Student

Managing your budget while studying at university isn’t easy, and unless you manage to find a well-paid part-time job, it’s likely you’re going to struggle for the three or four years that you’re there.  While there are certain things that you have no choice but to pay out for – course fees and accommodation to […]

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The Student Guide to Finances: 5 Ways to Manage Your Money

| February 17, 2016 | 0 Comments
The Student Guide to Finances: 5 Ways to Manage Your Money

As a student, staying on top of your finances can be difficult. According to Which, four in 10 first year students said they’d found managing money trickier than expected and a worrying 15% said they were struggling financially. Learning how to manage your money properly will ensure you have a much better time at university, […]

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How Students Can Keep Their Bank Balance in the Black

| July 23, 2015 | 0 Comments
How Students Can Keep Their Bank Balance in the Black

For many students, living life on the edge of their bank balance is par for the course. This is generally the first time that they’re living on their own, and so they haven’t yet got to grips with managing and planning a budget. While this is fine for the most part, problems can start to […]

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How to Have Fun and Stay Solvent as a Student

| May 26, 2015 | 0 Comments
How to Have Fun and Stay Solvent as a Student

Entertaining yourself as a student is a tough balancing act. On the one hand you want to do something that involves all of your housemates and creates a lasting memory, but on the other you don’t want to break the bank. Not only that, but you need to ensure that your extracurricular activities don’t negatively […]

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