7 Hints on How to Focus Best at University

| May 28, 2017 | 0 Comments

With the constant noise, social events and activities and stress of university, it’s easy to fall into bad habits of distraction and improper studying methods.

Students often blame themselves for not having more control over their studying and concentration. However, there are many strategies university students can apply to improve their focus and do better throughout their academic learning.

By creating the conditions that make it easier to concentrate, students can feel more focused and accomplished.

Here are 7 ways to do just that:

1) Seek proper lighting

The biological effects of light are well known – proper light promotes the level of concentration for students. The wrong light can make students sleepy, tire their eyes or affect their ability to focus.

Osram carried out a study investigating how biologically optimized classroom lighting supports alertness in the morning. The study showed positive results, proving the effect of lighting on attention capability and cognitive performance speed.

In other words, lighting can significantly affect your focus, so it’s imperative to seek a properly-lighted studying space.

2) Find a quiet environment

University may be the ideal place for higher education, but it’s also a central hub for socializing, parties and activities.

It’s easy to be distracted by all the noises and commotion of the dormitories. Instead of putting on headphones and loud music to try to fade away external noise, look for a quieter place to study.

Libraries are a great option – but if your library is too packed, look for an empty classroom.

3) Turn off all distractions

In today’s day and age of interconnectedness, it’s easy to fall into the bad habit of checking our social media platforms or chat apps.

These can throw off the process of studying immediately, distracting us with updates, news and notifications.

While studying, silence or better yet, turn off your mobile phone. If you are using a computer, stay away from any distracting sites and programs.

If you need the extra help, there are apps that can block online distractions for a scheduled amount of time.

4) Take short breaks

No studying is fully productive without short study breaks. The mind needs a short break from time to time to not feel overwhelmed.

This break offers an opportunity to re-focus and return feeling refreshed and ready to study more. Breaks don’t need to be long to be effective; a short 5-10 minute break every few hours will suffice.

5) Stay focused on priorities

The best way to study effectively is to prioritize your time. There are always papers, lessons and themes that are of higher priority to write or learn.

Create a timetable to allocate your time accordingly based on these priorities. Stick to the schedule and analyze it weekly to understand its effectiveness.

6) Don’t forget about nutrition

A poor diet and nutrition are notoriously bad for focus and concentration. Processed food also affects us by causing blood sugar spikes and the inevitable crashes that accompany it.

The brain needs essential fatty acids and protein, and if we’re not providing it, our concentration will suffer. The amino acids found in protein are crucial to creating brain chemicals used for focus. If you’re not getting essential vitamins and minerals including iron, your concentration will only worsen over time.

Eat healthy, proportioned meals to focus better in your studies.

7) Sleep on it

Students may be tempted to stay studying the whole night, but this is an inefficient studying method. The exhaustion causes the brain to work slow, which affects focus and memory.

Instead, give your body and mind a break by resting overnight. You will see that information will feel more settled in when waking up in the morning.

The rest also helps you focus throughout the day, which improves your overall daily focus.



Category: College and Careers

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