Have you got what it takes to be an entrepreneur?

| March 16, 2016 | 0 Comments

You may know more Del Boys than Richard Bransons in your life and that’s because being a successful entrepreneur requires hard work, special character and perhaps a sprinkling of luck (or at least being born in the right decade). But there are other special skills that can be identified in an entrepreneur and GlobalMessaging have created an infographic detailing the anatomy of an entrepreneur. It takes a look at the character traits and talents needed to become an entrepreneur and make it big in business.

Here’s a look at some of them in brief:

  • Motivated and Focused – motivation and focus comes from a genuine interest in what you are doing. Regular goal-setting gives you targets and keeps you engaged in your venture
  • Creative and Innovative – being creative with your products, services and operations appeals to both customers and employees alike.
  • Risk Taking and Courageous – being comfortable with taking risks is vital for businesses to grow and succeed. But it is important to understand what risks are worthwhile and to not be impulsive.
  • Passionate and Determined – if you passionately believe in your venture and refuse to give up, success is bound to follow.
  • Strong Work Ethic – a true entrepreneur knows that nothing just comes to you; you have to go out into the world and earn it yourself.

Take a look at the infographic below (click on it to view full sized) and see if this sums you up, or the Del Boys or Richard Bransons in your life!

Provided by Global Messaging

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Category: College and Careers

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