Confused about drugs? Talk to FRANK – Sponsored Video
From Trainspotting to Pulp Fiction to Limitless, the depiction of drugs in movies is nothing new, often glamourized, dramatized with character downfalls clear for all to see. Well as the saying goes life sometimes imitates art (or is that the other way around?).
Drugs can be confusing and FRANK has launched a new Campaign. FRANK provides friendly, confidential drug advice and has launched a new video campaign – to help bring awareness of who you can talk to if you need help.
The new video ads feature a rapping newsagent, a group of butchers at a party and a gymnast whose stunt goes wrong and.
These scenarios each highlight how easy it is to be confused about drugs and how FRANK can help answer any questions you might have.
One of the videos is above but you can see the others on 4music channel in the evenings and websites like You Tube, MTV, Spotify and catch up TV sites like 4OD. You can also view the ads by visiting the FRANK site
Visit for more information or advice, you can also chat to FRANK confidentially on this site between 2-6pm every day using the brand new Live Chat service.
If you or your friends have questions about drugs, visit the link above. It’s not the same old lecture, its people with experience who are there to answer your questions.