7 Car Problems That Are Easier to Repair Than You Think

| January 18, 2019 | 0 Comments
Image Source: Wikimedia

Getting a car is a big commitment, and for the most part, a good car will run without encountering many, if any problems at all for a while when it’s properly looked after. However, throughout your vehicle’s lifetime, it will probably run into some minor issues that most car owners panic about. But, they’re much easier, quicker and cheaper to repair than you might realise. We’ve listed some of the main car problems that are easier to take care of than you think.

#1. Flat Tyre:

Driving over a nail and having a tyre burst is a nightmare for many drivers. However, as long as you are not driving at high speed when your tyre pops, you should be able to avoid a lot of damage so long as you ensure that you stay in control of the car and remain calm. If you have a spare tyre in your car, you will be able to pull over in a quiet and safe place and change it. You can even find tutorials for changing your own tyre online if you’re unsure! Or, you should call your breakdown recovery service – driving with a flat tyre can be very dangerous, so don’t attempt it!

#2. Cracked Windscreen or Window:

Cracks in the windscreen or windows of your car can be a very dangerous problem, as they break the protective layer of vinyl resin in the glass and, therefore, increase the possibility of the glass breaking in the event of a collision. Along with that, a crack or chip in the windscreen can also be very distracting for the driver. The good news is that any garage will be able to quickly repair a crack in your windscreen, or you can call a window replacement company to your home to fix it on your drive. Most fully comprehensive insurance policies offer an inclusive windscreen replacement service.

#3. Flat Battery:

If you’ve come to start your car and it is completely unresponsive, then this could mean that your battery is dead. Often, the battery in a car will die if you have left something on, such as a light, the headlights, an indicator, or even used electric windows whilst the engine is switched off. For the most part, jump-starting your car is a simple job, as long as you have a set of jump leads and another car. If not, your breakdown service will be able to help.

#4. Broken Wipers:

Driving with broken windscreen wipers might not really be much of a big deal on a clear and sunny day, but if you’re driving in even light rain, it could quickly become very dangerous and obstruct your ability to see clearly on the road. When you do not have a clear line of vision in front of you as a driver, then you are severely compromising the safety of yourself and other road users. Thankfully, broken windscreen wipers are usually quick and easy to replace – sometimes it’s simple enough to do it yourself!

#5. Broken Lights:

Driving in the dark when even one of the lights on your car is not working properly or at all can be very dangerous, and is usually against the law, unless you’re on your way to get it fixed. If a police officer sees you driving in the dark with a light that isn’t working, then you can bet on being pulled over and asked about it. Broken lights are usually a quick job at the auto repair shop.

#6. Engine Light:

It’s natural to feel some worry and panic if the engine light comes on, particularly if you’re driving at speed along the motorway at the time. But, don’t worry too much – often this is an indication that something has gone wrong which can be easily repaired. Most of the time, lights on your dashboard come on to help you prevent the issue getting even worse. Just call your breakdown assistance service or get your car to a garage as soon as possible to identify and fix the problem. If the light’s on for something serious, don’t forget that you can always make some money from a car that’s no longer roadworthy with the Scrap Car Network. It’s easier than trying to sell a clapped-out old banger.

#7. Dents and Bumps:

Perhaps you’ve returned to your car to find that somebody has driven into it and left a small dent, or maybe you’ve gotten too close to a wall, fence or post and scratched or dented your car. The good news is that in many cases, this kind of damage is easy to fix without the need to go through the lengthy insurance process. Depending on where the bump, dent or scratch has occurred, chances are all that you will need is that part replacing. The cost will vary depending on the type of car and the size and type of part.

Have you encountered any of these issues with your car? What did you do? Let us know in the comments.

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