Recent Grads are joining the Franchising World

| June 17, 2018 | 0 Comments

Most young, recent graduates follow the traditional route of the post-graduation job search. After a few years of intensive studying, they look to break into their first career opportunity by applying to low-level positions.

But not all grads are made equal, and in a surprisingly growing trend, numerous young entrepreneurs are breaking away from the mold and establishing their own businesses.

This could be an indication of the difficulty in finding employment after graduation. Unfortunately, students land in an unexpected situation when they leave the world of academia only to find a limited number of employment opportunities available to them.

Their inexperience at running a business leads them to research franchise opportunities, which provide them with the necessary training, business models, and support required to start the business and run it successfully. In many cases, if not most, the practical lessons learned throughout the process can be more valuable than any university business course.

Running a franchise is no easy feat – the entrepreneur needs sufficient funds to cover the down payment and additional investment costs, like equipment, rent and training. It’s also a long-term commitment; there is no quitting and they will be initially working long, hard hours.

These young entrepreneurs are branching off to a wide variety of franchising opportunities, from painting to food trucks and retail.

Take for example these florist franchise opportunities:

For an initial investment of £15,100, a young interior design grad can partner with Inleaf to open a franchise providing office plant and living wall design. The support and training will start from the get-go as the entrepreneur is taught the ropes to developing a successful business. They are also sold the required equipment and provided with marketing material. Expected revenue after 2 years is £76,000, a respectable sum for a new entrepreneur breaking into the industry.

With the easy availability of online research, grads are becoming savvy to the opportunities available to them through franchising. The trend is only growing, and as more young entrepreneurs prove the profitability of their endeavors, it will inspire additional grads to follow in their steps.


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