Foreign Students Warned about Binging at British Unis

| October 17, 2012 | 0 Comments

Photo credit: Kay La La

The binge drink culture is an unfortunate but ever more apparent part of university life in the UK and may be something foreign students are not equipped for when they come to study at one of our illustrious universities.

Cambridge University have become particularly aware of the problem and have produced a warning video to be played to all foreign students to help them understand the dangers and negative effects of binge drinking.

The Cambridge Senior Tutors Committee commissioned the making of the £3,000 video and are adamant that the large amount of foreign students who come through their doors see the publication in their first week of study. It can also be found on video-sharing, social media site Youtube.

Using familiar technology such as Youtube makes the video a lot more accessible to young students from outside the country and the robust nature of the platform means the video can be shared through a simple link embedded in an email or e-publication of any kind.

The video itself is presented by students who speak in a frank, straightforward, intentionally uncondescending manner in an attempt to relate to the new students and really hit the message home hard.

Local authorities and academic services such as say the message should be spread to cities like London, where the student population is high and the night life is busy.

The Cambridge video will hopefully become a bench mark for safety protocol in all universities in the future and has already spread across all colleges within their own extensive campus.

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