4 Essentials For Every Student House

| January 17, 2019 | 0 Comments

Student houses aren’t always known for being the most comfortable of places to be, and sometimes you will need to bring some belongings from home with you or buy some new (second hand is fine) items to put in the house to allow you to work and live there happily. Before you start spending money, however, why not see if you can find accommodation that already has everything you need?

Here are some of the essentials you should be looking out for. If you can find a place with all of these, snap it up quickly; they are few and far between.

Good Desks

Students need to study and write essays and dissertations. Having somewhere comfortable so that they can do that in the peace and quiet of their own room rather than having to sit at the communal dining table, or in the living room while other people are trying to watch TV or listen to music is not ideal. Neither is it good practice to lounge on a bed and attempt to get some studying done.

By having a good desk with enough storage for important books and documents and room for a laptop, as well as an ergonomically designed chair to match, you can help yourself do much better work. You’ll be more productive, and you’ll be able to sit in one place for longer (although it’s a good idea to get up and stretch your legs from time to time too).

Some Style

Beige, cream, brown, neutral… these are the colours that you are most likely to see in any student house. It’s fun to inject these neutrally decorated student houses with some splashes of colour. This might come from throws and cushions, rugs, Bisque radiators, artwork, or any other interesting knick-knacks and pieces of ephemera that catch your eye.

Not only will you be boosting the fun and colour within the property, but it will make it much more yours and you’ll be more comfortable there.

Good Mattresses

Mattresses need to be replaced every seven to 10 years, depending on their usage and how good they were to begin with. A bad mattress means a bad night’s sleep, and that will have a serious impact on any student’s productivity during lectures and when it comes to their own personal study. Replacing an old mattress (which will have had many different people sleeping on it, so may not be totally clean) with something newer can have quite an impact when it comes to ensuring you have a better night’s sleep and reducing aches and pains that you might be experiencing in your back, hips, and neck.


Students are notorious for not eating healthily and for spending far too much money on pizza and takeaways. Although the occasional treat is a good idea – it’s something to look forward to – being able to cook is a much better life skill to have than knowing how to order food online. If there are cookbooks in the house, then you can enjoy cooking something delicious up with your housemates or take it in turns – you could even turn in it into a competition if that makes the idea more interesting.

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