Motors most deserving

| November 29, 2013 | 0 Comments


The Most Deserving Student Awards is a campaign launched by to recognise people who do amazing thing whilst studying for a degree. This time round, the response from the public in terms of nominees was incredible. Out of all these nominees, five were picked by a panel of judges to face a public vote.

Julia Hebb, Vicky Price, Sophie Hannah Davis, Charlotte Moore and Cassie Galpin were all chosen for their amazing hard work and dedication. From these, one winner was chosen – Julia Hebb.

Julia’s life has been far from easy but her pure determination has meant she has overcome obstacles many of us couldn’t even dream of. Her son Tyler suffers from Autism and Asperger’s syndrome, but due to Julia’s constant hard work she was able to help him learn to speak as a child and go on to study plumbing at college.

The method Julia developed to help Tyler with his communication skills is now a recognised method in many speech therapies and is used up and down the country. Her daughter Kelly is also a bright spark and with Julia’s support she has gone on to receive 14 A-A* in her GCSE’s.

Julia is now a student nurse studying at Salford University, after returning to education to fulfil her dreams she obtained a number of GCSE’s and was able to take an access to nursing course which has led her to university. Julia’s passion to help others is something that has been recognised by many people and proves that it is never too late to follow your dreams.

Julia was nominated for the award by her best friend, Gillian Turner, who wanted her achievements and hard work to be recognised. The prize of a new used car from will mean that Julia can go on helping others and also helping Gillian care for her mother.

Julia, who was amazed she had won, did not even know she had been nominated until she had reached the final five! She went on to say: “I felt very overwhelmed just having been nominated by Gillian. When she finally told me, I was already one of the chosen 5 finalists. Winning the competition means so much. The car will improve my commuting needs, but also, just having been voted the ‘Most Deserving Student’ is a huge reward in itself – the recognition of how my life has been is the best reward ever!”

The Most Deserving Student Award has made Julia’s life a lot easier and meant she can go on to continue helping others. The Awards have also shone a light on the other nominees and highlighted the amazing work they do too.


Category: Student News

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