Things to check when buying a used car

| November 22, 2013 | 0 Comments

Buying a used car is a big step and I think this infographic is a great help to students who are about to take the plunge. I’m a few years out of university but remember when I was 17 and buying my first car… what a disaster. It lasted about 2 weeks and I went through 3 cars before I sold the last for scrap before going to uni.

With careful checks and a little know how a successful purchase is possible and I like the way the infographic makes it all seem so simple. It’s a reference that you can take with you when you are evaluating a car.

My bad luck with cars was always engine related and checking for engine noises, checking the belt and the log book may seem like obvious checks but many people tend to base their decision on the overall look of the car – don’t make that mistake.

Depending on the purchase price of the car the risks and consequences of buying a lemon can be significant. You don’t want to be the buyer of a cloned or clocked vehicle and if those are new terms for you see the infographic above.

I’d like to thank for providing such useful information to students.



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